Fonzies Warning!

Fonzies Warning!
Play the songs loud! thats how they were intended to be heard! but dont come crieing to me if the neighbours complain. (Unless your cute!)

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Ivor Cutler

Last but not least! This is Ivor cutler who was a Scotish poet and musician and general genius. His songs have an absurdist humour to them but are also very phylisophical. I see him as more than a musician and in his own right an artist and this is why i have brought him to your attention. If you like his music you can get hold of his albums quiete easily.


The Collective said...

Thanks, Ben. You inspired me to dig out my copy of "Cock-A-Doodle-Don't", which was one of my favourite books as a teenager. I've just been rereading it and revelling in Cutlers brilliance. It's got the best sleeve notes ever, I think... in fact I'm going to type them out:

"Cuiusque stercs sibi bene olet

This book................. serious .............humour.......... waste of time...................
........ understanding.............
....................... so, without
further a-don't ...................
...................................................................... and.........................................."

You're right about the animations.


Sera said...

He's so great!

Never heard of him before your blog. I knowyou said to ignore the animations but there's one - 'Beautiful Cosmos' - is that his video - it works really well I think. Reminds me of a Beckett Play i went to see last year. There's definately humour within the songs as you said, but there's also something quite sad. His vice is quite sad I think.